Ameribanks Privacy Policy

Ameribanks is committed to protecting personal information and using it in a manner consistent with your expectations is a high priority.

This section explains our policy regarding any personal information you share with us when you visit this site.

Ameribank’s Internet Privacy Policy

Ameribanks does not collect identifying information about visitors to Non-personal information collected by standard web server software includes:

  • IP Address
  • Date of Visit
  • Time of Visit
  • Path Taken
  • Browser Software and Platform
  • Pages or Files Accessed

This information is collected to help improve content and navigation of our website to better suit our member’s needs. We cannot personally identify visitors from this data.

Web site visitors may elect to provide us with personal information Via E-mail, online forms, or applications.

Ameribanks has security features that safeguard your account, and ensure all your transactions are protected.